This Decoding is free for all who will order my Galactic Readings – see info below -
For those of you who already received from me your Galactic Readings, the fee is 40 Euros or 50 US $. I just need your birth name and email address. To order this decoding : easy with PayPal no need of account, send to this account
Contact the same email to order by check or other means.
Please read my article below 'Transition Planet Earth Plan of Space Brothers'
Starseeds, star people and indigos will realize that if they connect with their reality of beings who came from the stars, they will be more in phase with the 5th dimensional frequency necessary to transit with this planet which will become part of the Confederation of Free Worlds.
The New Age consciousness flooding the Internet is not sufficient for this transit and has the effect to limit frequencies inside the 4th dimensional band, which is precisely the zone used by the entities controling this planet who even created and/or infiltrated the New Age.
The new DNA spirals infused now upon this planet can trigger the 5th dimensional consciousness, which is the frequency of our brothers and sisters from the stars. A secondary effect would be the possibility of personal contact with these beings.
The volunteers from the stars incarnated on this planet might concentrate on the upper chakras, the upper rays and the 12 DNA bands, all this available now since the activation of the doorways11-11-11 (2011) and 12-12-12 (2012). On those days the giant crystals were activated again as well as the etheric temples whose energies were closed by the spiritual hierarchy of this local universe.
Galactic readings
Galactic readings
Cmdr.Lyur Jean Michel had the privilege during a UFO close encounter in 1980, to have an interlink connection installed in his body/mind by the Space Brothers of the Ashtar Command. Since that time he is permanently hooked-up with the Star Lightships "Crystal Bell", "Light", and "Janus", which are "anchoring Golden Light Christ Consciousness Ships" from the Interdimensional, Intergalactic Fleet. Another name for such Starships is 'Merkabahs'. This is what they truly are.
Today for the first time, Commander Lyur is offering the "Golden Starquest" readings. You will discover your Galactic lineage, your transit planet of arrival in this solar system, your special abilities, your specific connections with the Ships, your personal mission on Earth, your mission within Starfleet (that you agreed upon before being incarnated here), and even your choice of future missions in this local and new future universe.
This is a "mail order operation", a full day's work, in which Commander Lyur will hook-up for you under the guidance of the finest commanders in the Fleet above.
This is a totally new offering that Cdr. Lyur was asked to provide in the U.S. and worldwide. You will receive by post 10 to 12 pages of personal guidance that will help you understand and fulfill your embodiment on Earth and your commitment with Starfleet and the spiritual galactic hierarchy from this local universe.
The fee for my Galactig Readings, is 170 US $ or 152 Euros. It is a very valuable offer which has helped star people to receive a lot of information and to trigger their galactic memories.
I just need your name (name of birth) email, or postal address. You can order my readings thru my account at PayPal :
It is also possible to make an international bank transfer please write to me at the above email address.
My Galactic Reading are composed of two parts :
1. Your actual Body/Mind components within this time/space frame
2. Current environmental energies within/without you at the time of this reading
3. Message for this life time
4. Suggested proceedings to manifest your reality
5. Projected manifestation when you will incorporate this guidance in your energy fields
1. Your E.T. lineage before you came in this local quadrant
2. The planet on which you made a transit in this solar system (stepping-down procedures) before you took embodiment as a ground personel volunter upon planet Earth.Your work within the Fleet when you were there. Note : there is no kind of astrology used for the whole readings.
3. Your connection with the ships of the Intergalactic/Interdimensional Fleet. Your special abilities within Starfleet.
4. Guidance for your current mission on Earth.
5. Your universal and future mission(s) in the New Universe.
Each number represents one page of readings. I only do the reading by mail/email because the proper time is set up by my contacts and I need to be in my own space for this. No individual sessions.
Readings by Cmdr. Lyur, Starship 'Light#2', Golden Light Division, Intergalactic-Interdimensional Fleet
Thank you for your order and support, may the Love/Light of our Radiant One be with you always.
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Transition Earth Plan of Space Brothers
One must understand that the extraterrestrial presence is real, but that only 5% of it is comprised by negative aliens who agreed to deal with Earth nations to provide technologies of war and control. Benevolent extraterrestrials bear a mission of chiefly surveillance and spiritual assistance, that is at the consciousness level.
A fake belief has been implanted in the segment of the population supposedly awakened which represent around 20% in the Western world. On one side ufologists and their followers mainly refuse to hear anything about contacts refering to spirituality and a reality of planets with a more advanced spiritual society. On the other hand the segment of supposedly spiritually awakened people which includes the New Age and the teachings of masters from the Far East has built a belief system that the human body is only present on Earth and that therefore extraterrestrials are a kind of disincarnated entities, so-called etheric or bubbles of light and that UFOs do not really exist.
The result of this implanted belief system is that most of this 20% of the population do not listen much to the reports of physical contactees with space brothers, nor their teachings and warnings.
This is a major problem to reach the change of paradigm on Earth – see the 100th Monkey effect – with a new collective consciousness equivalent to those of other worlds dwelling in higher dimensional frequency bands.
Space brothers communicate by a higher form ot thought transfer, more advanced than telepathy, and which has absolutaly nothing to do with the phenomenon known as channeling so popular today. This system to call an outside entity to enter the aura was popularized since the 19th century by people like Blavatsky, Bailey and others, who published at times a similar 'Lucifer Magazine'. These methods and teachings announcing a 'new age' were used largely as a foundation stone by the so-called modern New Age.
High star beings contacted physically people on the ground in the mid 20th century. They basically ceased their communications around the 1990's saying that there was no need to repeat themselves endlessly. The overflowing mass of so-called channelings of New Agers has nothing to do with the real extraterrestrial fleet of more advanced worlds and the humanoid beings manning it.
At the opposite of the main belief developped by the New Age, planet Earth will not ascend as a block towards a 'new earth'. The mineral, vegetal and animal kingdom are already attuned to a transfer towards the 5th dimension. Such is NOT the case with the vast majority of humans; this according to their current level of consciousness. This so-called 'ascension' would proceed as follows :
This is a constant law of evolution in the universe : the state of consciousness triggers or manifest a reality of a specific frequency, this proven without any equivocation by the current quantum physics. One third of Earthlings are ready to manifest a 5th dimensional reality, another third has a consciousness of 4th dimension, and the last third want to basically remain inside a 3rd dimensional existence, all of this according to the universal law of freewill.
Thus the so-called planetary ascension should be better termed as a separation of the worlds, as announced by the Master known as Jeshua. To give a plain graphic image, planet Earth would split into 3 different planets, each phased with a particular collective consciousness. The existence of dimensions has been proven recently without the shadow of a doubt by official Earth science with the experiments at the CERN collider.
The goal of the benevolent extraterrestrial presence is to assist to these various splits and transitions, without direct interference, save for a global nuclear war or a major astronomical event.
Jean Michel, Journalist Writer Speaker in world congresses
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